Hey Love!
I’m a third-generation Medicine Woman, Embodied Feminine Leadership Coach, Sales Mentor, and Speaker on a mission to revolutionize feminine leadership and help you become the portal to the life of your dreams.
Through my heart-centric, fierce, and multi-faceted approach I’ve helped thousands of women creatives, entrepreneurs, founders, leaders, and visionaries move out of the push-and-hustle of “success” — and into true levels of fulfillment, joy, and alignment
in their careers, relationships, and being.
And I can help you too.
You see, I know what it feels like to feel bound by society’s idea of what success should be…
I know what it means to work hard for something you
thought was your dream…
And, to be the person others admire for what you have
built only to realize that not only do you not love "the dream" anymore, but you resent it.
I thought I’d be that version of myself forever until…

One doctor’s appointment
stopped me in my tracks.
I was 29, living a “successful life” in Canada… I had a very comfortable lifestyle.
I was making a multiple six-figure income, and I lived in a great condo with my then-fiance.
I was respected for being an award-winning sales executive and successfully managing a multiple
7-figure territory and team for a Fortune 500 company.
I knew I was supposed to feel happy and lucky to have achieved so much…
But deep inside, I was suffocated by a version of success that wasn’t mine.
I was intensely working from my masculine, completely exhausted from working hard to maintain a version of myself shaped by what society dictated as successful. And, it was taking a serious toll on my health and spirit.
My spirit had wandered too far from the powerful
wisdom of my lineage.
I am the daughter and granddaughter of Afro-Brazilian medicine women, and I spent my childhood surrounded by their ceremonies and rituals. Growing up in the power and wisdom of women deeply connected to their wild was my normal.
I always loved the adventure and magic of our traditions.
I remember walking up mountains at night with my mom, cousins, and aunts for rituals and offerings. And, how our home was always filled with the rhythms of medicine chants.
From a very young age, I learned which herbs to forage and how to draw a herbal bath for healing when I was sick. By 11, I had learned Reiki I and II, and I knew how to do an energy clearing around the house and the body.

I carried all this wisdom with me when I first arrived in Canada.
I was just 15 years old
and on my own…
And despite barely speaking English, knowing no French, and facing the impossible bureaucratic task of securing my visas and funding my first year of education, there was a wild in me that knew I was meant to stay in Canada.
Determined to succeed, I walked up to the owner of a fruit and vegetable stand at a farmers’ market and asked for a job.
He agreed, with a simple challenge…

If you can sell, you can stay.
And I took it heart on.
To my employer's surprise, I not only managed to sell but also to build meaningful, beautiful relationships with my regular customers. Many of whom would return only to be served by me!
That year at the farmer’s market, I made just enough money —$10,000 worth of fruit and vegetables at the
time — to pay for my first year of school fees.
But, I learned a lesson far more valuable that would serve me for a lifetime…
Selling is about building
meaningful relationships.
Years later, sitting in my doctor’s exam room, I let the memory of my first job in Canada wash over me…

Since that job, by society’s standards, I’d achieved everything that was expected of me and more. But, the truth was that the vision of success I was sacrificing my health and happiness to achieve wasn’t even mine…
I realized I needed to slow down, reconnect to my roots, and find my inner guidance again.
I joined a yoga teacher training program and meditated. These deep practices lit a path back to my knowing. They rekindled the fire of my spirit that had become dormant and tamed.

Then, one night, I had a vivid dream that would change everything.
A hummingbird came to me as I walked down a street
barefoot looking for my shoes...
"Where are my shoes? Where are my shoes? Where are my shoes?"
The hummingbird grabbed my finger with its long beak and brought me to a room filled with shoes…
"Wow. So many shoes, which ones are mine? which ones are mine?"
As I marveled over the many shoes, thinking “Which ones were mine?” I saw my passport on a table.
Suddenly, I was filled with a knowing that finding my shoes didn't matter anymore…
"Ah, my passport. I don't need my shoes anymore."
I didn't know it then, but that wasn't a dream.
It was spirit calling me forward to something more.
Something more true, more alive, more real...
A week after that dream, I was invited to go to Peru for a yoga
retreat. I decided to go a few days earlier and ended up on my
own pilgrimage in the Sacred Valley. I traveled from village to
village until I reached the top of Machu Pichu mountain.
At 3,800+ meters above the ground, I saw the hummingbird that came for me in my dream.
It was a full-circle moment.
I fell to my knees and I sobbed in gratitude.

I knew that Spirit was taking care of me.

I was being guided.
And, more importantly, I knew it was all part of a greater plan.
Things were about to change drastically.
The next day I was on a plane, headed to the heart of the Amazon, in Puerto Maldonado, where I sat in my first Ayahuasca ceremony along with four other people and a Shipibo shaman.
When it was time to serve the medicine, the shaman looked at me with firmness and softness in his eyes and said, “Hmm… she's been waiting for you. And you're ready for her."
He poured me a full cup of the medicine, and I had the wildest, most intense journey within.
There was no returning to life as it was after that
That first ceremony was the beginning of a beautiful and powerful partnership with the medicine. She not only cracked me open, but she opened the path for me to work directly with the Indigenous of Brazil, hosting retreats and ceremonies all around the world.
Today, I've lost count of how many ceremonies I have sat in and supported, but what matters is that I'm forever a student of her teachings. I'm honored that many women come to our ceremonies as first-timers because they feel safe to be there.
Looking back on my first ceremony, I now see just how poignant the message I received turned out to be. I had walked away from that brutally-intense, yet life-changing experience with a single recurring message…
Let joy be the compass.

These words have guided me ever since. In life and business, I let joy be my compass.
But, it hasn’t always been an easy transformation…
In the years that followed that first ceremony, I made the incredibly difficult decision to end my
seven-year relationship and engagement. I also discovered I was pregnant and had an abortion,
which cascaded into two years of grief, shame, and heartbreak…
In 2019, I received my coaching certification and began to coach on the side while still working
full-time. But, I was living a double life. I knew I no longer belonged in the corporate world, but I
just couldn’t seem to convince myself that it was time to let go…
Then, when the pandemic hit in 2020 and the world stopped,
the stillness brought forth a clarity that I never thought was possible.
I realized it was time
to take the plunge.

I put down the mask that was hiding who I truly was, and I started to allow
myself to be fully seen.
I let go of the validation I received through corporate success, awards, and external goals.
I released my people-pleasing
tendencies of putting other people's needs before my own.
I exchanged the hustle and push from years of corporate conditioning for ease, flow, and alignment.
And, after a lot of inner work and tears shed…
I went on to build my business
to 6 figures within the first year and
sold out an international retreat
in the heat of the pandemic!
I know you’ve felt the desire to take the plunge
calling to you too.

Today, I get to continue creating a life where I can be unapologetically myself and bring my highest expression into
the world. I am alive with the energy of creation and have the
space and energy to run a business and live a life that
celebrates my essence and Afro-Brazillian medicine woman
I have the profound honor of having impacted thousands of
entrepreneurs, founders, visionaries, creatives, and high-performing women with my embodied feminine approach, empowering them to become the portal of the highest desires in love, business, and life.
Women who, like you and me, had successful careers and
businesses but found themselves running on autopilot and
having lost meaning, joy, and pleasure in their businesses and
parts of their lives.
Yet, they were still driven to positively impact the world.
They knew there was a different reality available for them, one where they were thriving and deeply inspired by not only numbers but how they felt.
Each program, product, or experience I create for my community of fierce, like-minded women leaders is based on approaches, methods, practices, and tools that I have applied in my own business and personal life. I guide them as they embody their truest essence, become the portal for their highest desires and creations, and become truly proud of their legacy.
Together, we are revolutionizing the way women lead
and creating the change, beauty,
and expansion we wish to see in this world.

We lead from joy and
inspiration, attuned to
our intuitions and never
doubting our choices.

We are fierce and soft,
fully owning our
feminine leadership
instead of being another
pseudo-expression of a
male patriarchal leader.

We are creating
powerful businesses
that bring us
meaningful joy, make an
impact, and are aligned
with our highest selves.
And I want the same for you.

Thank you for being here, love. I cannot wait for you to take the plunge and start living your
highest expression unapologetically in life, business, and love.
With love and gratitude,

You too have
access to your
highest self.
Download this FREE meditation to connect
to your inner guidance and receive the
clarity and confidence you’ve been craving.